• Classes are filled on a first-come basis.
• You will receive an e-mail confirmation after registration.
• There is a $29.95 non refundable registration fee.
• Continuing students who register before Sept. 7th can waive the registration fee and will only be assessed a $9.95 administrative fee.
Students that are 2 weeks or more behind in their payment may be asked not to participate in class.
Level 4, Intermediate & Advanced -Payment Dates
First payment Due with registration
September 4 and 18
October 2, 16 and 30
November 13 and 27
December 11 and 26 (This payment processed on Thursday)
January 8 and 22
February 5 and 19
March 5 and 19
April 2, 16 and 30
(After April 30 no personal checks will be accepted.)
- Returned check - $30.00 fee
- Late or Declined Payment - $7.50 fee
- Cancellation fee -$10.00 plus non-refundable reg. fee
- Schedule change - $5.00 fee after September 23
Plan to attend your first class unless otherwise notified.
ALL STUDENTS WILL BE EVALUATED during the first 4 weeks of the session.
Continuing students should register for the next level, unless otherwise contacted.
Alternate classes will be recommended, if necessary.
Schedules are subject to change. New classes are frequently added.
LATE REGISTRATIONS are accepted where openings exist.
- Makeup classes can be taken throughout the year.
Children, Teen and Beginner Adult Seasons (36 Weeks)
Intermediate and Advanced Season - Orland Park (38 Weeks)
Bi- Monthly Payment Plan: The first payment is due with registration. The remaining installments will automatically be deducted from your credit card once every 2 weeks on Wednesdays.
Any applicable registration fees will be charged to your first installment.
A 2.95% credit card processing fee applies.
You are only charged for the weeks of classes and are not charged for the scheduled ADC breaks.
The last payment is on April 30th and the season runs to June 4.
Refer to calendar for scheduled breaks.
Cash payments can be made at the front desk.
The payment due dates are listed below.
A Student can take unlimited classes @ $265.00 per payment.
Just sign up for as many classes as you wish.
Drop in Class Rate is $19.00 - Current College Student Alumni Drop in Class Rate $15.00
Payment Due Dates for
Children/Junior Season
First payment – Due with registration
September 18
October 2, 16 and 30
November 13 and 27
December 11 and 26 (Thursday Payment)
January 8 and 22
February 5 and 19
March 5 and 19
April 2, 16 and 30
(After April 30 no personal checks will be accepted)
* Classes for students ages 3 - 9 yrs. old meet twice a week for the Summer Session.
Classes are filled on a first-come basis. Plan to attend your first class.
You will receive an e-mail confirmation after registration.
There is a $29.95 new student registration fee .Continuing students
can waive the registration fee and will only be assessed a $9.95 administrative fee.
Students may study in both locations and receive multiple class tuition discounts.
Plan to attend your first class unless otherwise notified.
Continuing students should register in their current class level for Summer.
Advancements will be made in the Fall.
Alternate classes will be recommended, if necessary.
Schedules are subject to change. New classes are frequently added.
LATE REGISTRATIONS are accepted where openings exist.
1. Select the Registration tab on the main page or
(select Classes tab for viewing the schedule only)
2. Current ADC families can log in ( New families must enroll. )
3. You must enter both family information and student information (even for individuals).
4. If necessary, current students should update their family information and e-mail address.
5. Select to receive emails. We will send out important information and emergency closings via
the e-mail system.
6. Add new family members if applicable.
7. Choose your classes, additional classes can be added at anytime.
8. Enter your credit card information and select to enroll in the recurring payment plan.
Tuition will be automatically calculated to the payment plan and will include any applicable registration fees.
Make your first payment, the remaining payments will be automatically deducted from your credit card Saturday July 8.
Cash payments and other payment options must be processed in person at either ADC location.
Families who are not paid in full or enrolled in our automatic payment plan will be charged a
$25 processing fee .
Log in anytime under the Registration tab. Enter your email address and password to gain access.
You can update family info, view balances and schedules and make additional payments.
1. Select the Registration tab on the main page or (Select Classes to view schedule)
2. Current ADC families can log in ( New families must enroll )
3. You must enter both family information and student information (even for individuals).
4. If necessary, current students should update their family information and e-mail address. Remember to update your credit card if it expires during the season.
5. Select to receive emails. We will send out important information and emergency closings via the email system.
6. Add new family members if applicable.
7. Choose your classes, additional classes can be added at anytime.
8. Enter your credit card information and select to enroll in the recurring payment plan. Tuition will be automatically calculated to the payment plan and will include any applicable registration fees. Make your first payent, the subsequent payments will be automatically deducted from your credit card starting on your payment schedule date.
Cash payments and other payment options must be processed in person at either ADC location.
Families who are not paid in full or enrolled in our automatic payment plan will be charged a $25 processing fee.
Log in anytime under the Registration tab. Enter your email address and password to gain access.
You can update family or credit card info, view balances and schedules and make additional payments. ( Having problems?... E-mail us at americandancenter@att.net )
Parents and adult students will be asked to accept the online waiver:
I understand the American Dance Center does not give credit and/or refunds for class(es) missed due to vacation, illness, weather, dropped classes, etc. Any missed lesson may be made up during the current semester. I further understand that there are specific risks of physical or property damages, losses, or injury that may result from my or my child's participation with American Dance Center, and I voluntarily assume the risks associated with such participation.l
iPHOTO RELEASE: I am aware that individual or group photos/videos may be taken from time to time and in consideration for my or my child(ren)'s participation, I hereby grant my permission for my child's likeness to be used in publicity or advertising. I also understand and give permission for photographs and videos of named persons and/or participants and/or myself be used in print or broadcast media as deemed appropriate for the promotion of American Dance Center. If you are in a situation that legally doesn't allow photos, please let us know. We can ensure that the American Dance Center doesn't post or use your child in pictures, but due to the nature of today's electronics we cannot control our clients.
k here to add text.
Save with multiple class discounts!
The 1 class rate is $17.25 - take more classes per week and the rate keeps dropping!
Parents and adult students will be asked to accept the online waiver:
I understand the American Dance Center does not give credit and/or refunds for class(es) missed due to vacation, illness, weather, dropped classes, etc. Any missed lesson may be made up during the current semester. I further understand that there are specific risks of physical or property damages, losses, or injury that may result from my or my child's participation with American Dance Center, and I voluntarily assume the risks associated with such participation. PHOTO RELEASE: I am aware that individual or group photos/videos may be taken from time to time and in consideration for my or my child(ren)'s participation, I hereby grant my permission for my child's likeness to be used in publicity or advertising. I also understand and give permission for photographs and videos of named persons and/or participants and/or myself be used in print or broadcast media as deemed appropriate for the promotion of American Dance Center. If you are in a situation that legally doesn't allow photos, please let us know. We can ensure that the American Dance Center doesn't post or use your child in pictures, but due to the nature of today's electronics we cannot control our clients.
Payment: The first payment is made with registration. Any applicable fees will be charged to the payment.
A 2.95% credit card processing fee applies. The second payment will be deducted on July 6.
Cash/Check payments can be made at the ADC front desk.
6 WEEK TUITION (per student)
Multiple Class Discount and 2 Payment Chart
Hours per week 2 Payment Amount
1 class/wk $ 51.75
2 classes/wk $ 100.50
3 classes/wk $ 145.50
4 classes/wk $ 183.00
5 classes/wk $ 221.25
6 classes/wk $ 256.50
7 classes/wk $ 294.00
8 classes/wk $ 312.00
9+ Classes/wk $ 316.00
Bi-monthly Payment Plan Chart
$ 34.50
$ 48.00
$ 60.00
$ 67.00
$ 97.00
The Payment Installment amount is charged once every 2 weeks.